
Prescribed Burn Planned on Mingus Mountain Featured

Debbie Maneely October 18, 2022 914

Prescribed Burn Planned on the Verde Ranger District on Mingus Mountain

Big Idea

  • 1275 acres  will be burned starting today
  • This is dependent on weather conditions
  • Prescribed fires are a very effective tool for restoring fire-adapted ecosystems
  • Please obey all traffic signs 
  • Read more…

If you see a fire on Mingus Mountain, no worries!

PRESCOTT, AZ, October 15, 2022 - Fire managers on the Verde Ranger District plan to burn 1275 acres starting on Tuesday, October 18, 2022, pending favorable weather conditions.  The burn is located on Mingus Mountain near Mingus Springs Ranch and Kendall Peak (T15N, R2E, Sec 27).  Ignitions are planned to be completed in one day, however fire personnel will continue to monitor, patrol and mop-up through the week.  Smoke will be heaviest on the day of ignition and will remain visible for several days.   

In the interest of safety, please obey all traffic signs and use caution when traveling in the vicinity of the prescribed fire burn units as firefighters and fire-related traffic will be in the area.  Specific days to burn are determined by current and expected weather patterns allowing fire mangers to make every effort to minimize smoke impacts to nearby communities and roadways.

Prescribed fires are one of the most effective tools available to resource managers for restoring fire-adapted ecosystems. Prescribed fire mimics natural fire by reducing hazardous fuels accumulations, and reintroduce fire into a fire dependent system, recycling nutrients and increasing habitat diversity.  Prescribed fires are managed with firefighter and public safety as our number one priority. 

Prescott National Forest’s land management strategy is centered on long-term forest health and the strategy includes reducing forest fuels and using prescribed fire on the landscape.  Using low to moderate fire behavior, we can better protect communities, while improving watersheds, wildlife habitat, and forest health. 

All prescribed fire activity is dependent on the availability of personnel and equipment, weather, fuels, and conditions that minimize smoke impacts as much as possible, and approval from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (www.azdeq.gov).


Messages will be posted on social media when managed fires are ignited on the Prescott National Forest:


For fire information please call (928) 925-1111; or stay up to date on Prescott National Forest news by checking the Prescott NF website and following us on Facebook and Twitter.


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Last modified on Tuesday, 18 October 2022 09:00