
Severe Frost Alert! Here's What to Do Featured

Freeze Warning above 4500 foot Elevation

Big Idea

  • There is a severe frost alert through Tuesday night
  • Plants can be protected from frost
  • Wet soil retains 4x more heat than dry ground
  • Some plants like the cold

Frost can damage your summer plants. They need to be protected.

Severe Frost Alert!  Killing frost can damage summer plants through Tuesday night. Ensure plants are hydrated thoroughly. Reduce damage by covering vegetable plants, basil, and frost-sensitive flowers like marigold, zinnia, and geraniums.

Protecting Plants from a Frost

Cover Them – There's nothing we can do to stop frosts and freezes from happening, but we can minimize the damage done to plants. For the next three nights, cover plants to keep cold air off. N-Sulate Frost Cover is designed for this event. Still, any breathable material works like old sheets, burlap, even a used Amazon box. Allow your plants to see the sun during the day when temperatures are above 32 degrees. Keep their covering close at hand. You can be sure more advisories are to come!

Water Them – It may sound counter intuitive, but water insulates. Wet soil retains 4x times more heat than dry ground. Water sprayed directly on plants forms a layer of ice that protects the foliage underneath. Spraying only works for frost. Don't push your luck and try this during a hard freeze.

Some plants like the cold. Don't worry about winter vegetables like kale, cabbage, lettuce, and the like; flavors will become even richer after this expected cold snap. Flowering Pansy, viola, and snapdragon will also benefit from this severe cold snap and do not need protection. 

Newly planted trees and shrubs benefit from a deep soak but will not need any kind of protective cover.

Watters Garden Center is a locally owned and operated garden center that specializes in providing avid gardeners and novices alike with the expertise and products to get things growing in the mountains of Arizona.  

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Last modified on Saturday, 24 October 2020 23:40
Ken Lain

Ken Lain can be found throughout the week at Watters Garden Center, 1815 W. Iron Springs Rd in Prescott, or contacted through his web site.


We Believe Gardening should be Safe, Natural and Organic. Focus is on Superior quality plants with people that help you garden right. Vote best garden center 9 years running including the prestigious 'Most Revolutionary Award'. 

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