
AzFRW Celebrates 100th Birthday! Featured

Happy 100th Birthday, AzFRW!

Big Idea

  • The Arizona Federation of Republican Women turns 100 this year
  • AzFRW held its 2024 Winter Meeting on February 15-17th in Mesa
  • Pat Lorenzen is the new AzFRW President
  • The National Federation of Republican Women President, Julie Harris, was the keynote speaker

The Arizona Federation of Republican Women (AzFRW), founded in 1924, held its 2024 Winter Meeting on February 15-17th at the Sheraton Mesa Wrigleyville West Hotel in Mesa, Az. The theme of the Winter Meeting was celebrating AzFRW's 100th Birthday!! 

Pat Lorenzen, AzFRW's 2024-2025 President, presided over the three day event where nearly 200 representatives of the twenty-seven Republican Women's clubs from around the State attended. Two new clubs were chartered into AzFRW and their representatives were also installed into AzFRW at this event. AzFRW currently has a total of 1,787 members statewide.

AzFRW's quarterly business meeting was conducted along with Region Caucus meetings. A wide variety of well known, conservative speakers held break-out sessions and workshops on important and unifying topics from leadership training, election integrity, legislative initiatives, supporting Republican candidates and getting out the vote for this critical 2024 election.

The General Session main speaker was National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) President, Julie Harris. President Harris was elected NFRW President for 2024-2025 at the 42nd Biennial Convention of Republican Women in Oklahoma City in September, 2023 and took office in January, 2024. President Harris has been active in Republican politics for many years and boasts a long pedigree of impressive involvement in Republican and Republican Women politics. Not only has her involvement been extensive in her home state of Arkansas, but also while working diligently with NFRW for many years serving on many committees. President Harris's message at the General Assembly Luncheon was on Republican Unity and supporting the Republican Party Platform.

AzFRW's 2024 upcoming Summer State Meeting will be held on June 13-15 in Chandler, Az. Local club memberships come with full memberships in both AzFRW and NFRW. If you are interested in becoming a member of a Republican women's club in your area, please contact Carie Hughes, AzFRW's 2nd VP of Membership at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



About Pat Lorenzen, 2024-2025 AzFRW President

Pat was elected President of Az Federation of Republican Women on October 21, 2023 for the 2024-25 term.

She served 2 terms as President of Republican Women Of Prescott (RWOP), the largest club in the Nation. During her time as president, membership reached 935 with monthly luncheon attendance averaging 465 attendees! Prior to serving as President, she served 2 terms as 4th VP Communications for RWOP.

Pat served as AzFRW Region 5 director from 2018 – Feb. 2021, and served as Region I Director for 2022-2023.

Her background is in administration, sales, and territory management. Pat worked for Hyatt Hotels in sales & advertising for several years, then moved into the medical industry. As a territory sales manager she sold specialty kits and trays and specialized in chronic wound and burn dressings. Her territory included half of California; Las Vegas, NV; and the states of Arizona and Hawaii. Because the products she sold were so specialized, she spent almost as much time teaching as selling.

Pat’s goals for AzFRW include:

  • Expand and improve Communications to clubs and media
  • Update our website and keep it current
  • Provide programs and workshops to benefit members and clubs
  • Increase Region Director’s involvement in communication to clubs
  • Investigate ways to make AzFRW meetings more affordable and increase attendance
  • Explore timely issues and actions for clubs and members
  • Work to return to civility and respect within our clubs, AzFRW, and the Republican Party

We must focus the Republican ideals we all have in common, not our differences that keep us fighting among ourselves. 



About Julie Harris of Arkansas, NFRW President

Julie Harris was elected President of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) at the 42nd Biennial Convention in Oklahoma City and took office in January, 2024.

Previously, Julie served on the NFRW Executive Committee as 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, 4th Vice President and Secretary. She has worked diligently with NFRW for many years, serving on the Public Relations Committee (2010-2011), the Legislative Committee (2012-2013) and chairing the Achievement Awards Committee (2014-2016). During the 2014 election, Julie was Arkansas Field Director for Women Speak Out PAC, a project Susan B. Anthony List. In 2016, Julie worked for a Little Rock based consulting firm, Trace Strategies. This organization played a key role in assisting Republican wins in the battleground states. Julie organized and led a team that knocked on more than 40,000 doors in Pennsylvania during the last 6 weeks of the campaign, helping to win the State for President Trump and Senator Toomey.

Julie has volunteered and worked on numerous election campaigns since 2004. She has managed campaigns for a host of Republican candidates including Justice of the Peace, County Judge, State Representative and US Senator.

In her home State of Arkansas, Julie currently serves as Secretary for the Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA). She previously served two terms as Second Vice Chairman for the RPA's 3rd Congressional District in addition to two terms as First Vice Chairman for the Washington County Republican Committee. She's served in multiple other capacities, including District Committeewoman, State Committeewoman, Delegate to both District and State conventions and Delegate to the last three conventions of the RNC. In 2012, she was a member of the RNC Platform Committee. Julie is past President (2010-2012) of Arkansas Federation of Republican Women (AFRW), an organization for which she served an additional term as Treasurer.

On the local level, Julie has served two terms as club President, one term as club Treasurer and another term as First Vice President. In 2012, Julie was appointed to the Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission by the Arkansas Secretary of State. She was reappointed to a second six-year term in 2017.

Julie and her husband, Jonathan, have five children, two sons-in-laws, one daughter-in-law and 10 grandchildren. They live in Springdale, Arkansas, where they are small business owners.

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Last modified on Sunday, 25 February 2024 01:27
Published in Azpolitics.news
Sherrie Hanna

GM - Marketing & Sales