
Opinion: The Will to Win Featured

Politics is no longer a seasonal sport.

Big Idea

  • Winners have the will to win
  • The Nation is in grave danger
  • The restoration of the Constitutional Republic is needed
  • Three things needed to focus on to win the election: turnout, turnout, turnout

In order to win, a campaign, a candidate, a party, and a nation, must first have the will. The will to do the work necessary. The will to take on the fight when it comes. The will to execute 24/7 all the way through a recount, all the way through inauguration day, all the way to the next election, educating and empowering our fellow citizens as bills are proposed and spending decisions are made.

Politics is no longer a seasonal sport; the nation is in grave danger, and we need to have the will to do what it takes to secure the wins and then use the opportunity to start to turn the ship around and begin the restoration of the Constitutional Republic.

Where does the state party fit into this moment of urgency, how can we help right the ship?

There are three things a campaign or a state party needs to focus on to win an election:

turnout, turnout, turnout

Turnout is driven by funding, messaging and the candidates themselves.

In a post-Citizens United world, state political parties often find themselves with limited funding as many donors give to C4s (SuperPacs). As a result, state party operations have relied more heavily on the national party, in our case the Republican National Committee (RNC), for structural support. That kind of reliance comes with a price. When the state party wants to engage in a campaign that the RNC or its partners are not targeting, there is no support forthcoming. If a state party wants to run a campaign in an off-cycle special election that is not of national import, the national party has no investment to make. Finally, if the national party itself is struggling to raise money, any funds coming to a state party downstream will necessarily be reduced (and that is with the presumption that the state in question is of strategic importance in the cycle).

A case in point this cycle is CD2. For various reasons I suspect that the national apparatus is not focused on this Congressional seat. Arizonans will not allow this seat to fall. AZGOP needs to deploy resources to protect CD2 and we need the support of our strong red counties and our grassroots to do so.

The AZGOP will always welcome its partners at RNC, National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) and we look forward to joining with them to secure victories in 2024. That being said, the AZGOP needs to build a solid foundation of its own, and it needs to develop a small footprint with an agile team focused on executing its core functions:

  • Fundraising
  • Messaging
  • Providing data and non profit postage rates to campaigns
  • Securing election processes via litigation (ONLY when necessary but ALWAYS when the process is under threat)

If key election dates change, the AZGOP must have a rapid response communications plan in place to inform the public and to assist candidates. When our primary and filing dates changed, AZGOP immediately executed a mass text campaign to push the E-Qual link to all our ¾ and 4/4 hi-propensity GOP voters to help candidates get their signatures.

When Arizona has a ballot measure that is a threat, as we do this cycle with Ranked Choice Voting (disguising itself as 'Open Primaries'), the state party MUST STEP UP. Thanks to generous donors we have been able to begin a text campaign for Decline to Sign and we will continue to bombard PNDs (the target signers for this misleading petition) with information through the filing deadline for signatures in early July.

When Adrian Fontes in his SOS seat issues a procedures manual that takes apart our protections, AZGOP must litigate

When Fontes effectively disables the statewide voter registration database AVID from providing information ESSENTIAL to the ballot chase operation that thousands of grassroots are planning, AZGOP needs to be able to IMMEDIATELY issue a legal demand letter as we did last week, and we must be prepared to follow with litigation to both SECURE and PROTECT our election.

When a judge issues a ruling that Arizona cannot require proof of citizenship to vote in a federal election, AZGOP must INTERVENE in that case and go all the way to SCOTUS to protect our sacred right to vote, a God -given right that we have secured with blood and treasure. Look for more on that very soon.

The Republican voters of Arizona have the will to win and so does their State Party Chair. Let's do this.

I encourage our patriots to give what they can: Their prayers, their time and their treasure. We welcome your support.

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Visit our site for updates or to donate at AZGOP.com

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Gina Swoboda, Chair
Republican Party of Arizona

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Last modified on Saturday, 09 March 2024 13:48
Published in Azpolitics.news
Gina Swoboda

Gina Swoboda is a certified elections officer, having served in the AZ Secretary of State's office under two administrations.

  • She also served as the State Director of Election Day Operations for President Trump and as coordinator for the observer program with AzGOP and RNC in the 2022 elections.
  • Swoboda is also principal of Agrippa Consulting Group, LLD, and serves as the Senior Policy Advisor to the AZ State Senate Committee on Elections. Swoboda was endorsed by former President Donald Trump and Kari Lake.
