
Letter to the Editor: In Defense of Phil Goode Featured

Edward Bowe July 17, 2021 1026

The President of the Citizens Tax Committee condemns radio ads against Phil Goode

Big Idea

  • Citizens Tax Committee opposed the Prop 443 tax increase
  • The claim that Goode will not support police and fire personnel is not correct
  • Phil Goode is very deserving of respect in his campaign for Mayor
  • I strongly support Phil Goode for Mayor


Tuesday July 13, 2021

As the President of the Citizens Tax Committee, I have been disturbed by the recent false and fallacious radio ads attacking Mayoral Candidate Phil Goode.  The claim Phil, and CTC, doesn't support our police and fire is wrong.

We opposed the Prop 443 tax increase because it is the wrong solution to a flawed and broken retirement system.   That system needs repair more than it needs more taxpayer’s money. The passage of Prop 443 stymied the efforts of former Representative Noel Campbell and others at enacting needed reforms at the state level, where it is needed.

The issue the opposition claims is that Mr. Goode, an associate member of the CTC, will not support police and fire personnel due to a position our organization took on Proposition 443 during the 2017 city election. 

This deceptive claim could not be a more inaccurate statement. Our organization’s position was to clearly articulate why we opposed a three-quarter cent increase in sales tax to fund the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS) -- Arizona’s police and fire retirement account. The PSPRS administration manages the retirement fund of approximately 65 retired Prescott police and fire employees. The City also sets aside funds in three different plans intended for the benefit of current fire and police personnel. 

We stand by our original position, as we believe does Mr. Goode:  The fund managers poor decisions, unrealistic investment return projections, and excessive management costs  and overly generous benefits all contribute to the ever-increasing demand on taxpayers to keep these funds afloat need urgent correction.

We all agree contributions for retired and current public safety employees need to be managed well. And prior to the passage of Proposition 443, there was leadership from our state legislator, Noel Campbell and others to address deficiencies of PSPRS at the state level. However, passage of proposition 443, quashed any initiative by state lawmakers who now felt no pressure to act. So long as there are taxpayers, PSPRS will never run out of money -- even if it crowds out other city services. 

Mr. Goode has researched the PSPRS fund. He is well versed, as is our organization, on the shortcomings of PSPRS funding and management. I contend Councilman Goode is without a doubt the most knowledgeable of the current city council members on this subject. The inadequacy surrounding PSPRS has not an iota of influence on Mr. Goode’s support of the current employees of the City of Prescott. He is an ardent supporter of the current city operations and is a firm law and order person. 

Phil Goode is very deserving of respect in his campaign for the position of Mayor. I base my observations upon his respect for all the citizens of Prescott as well as his in-depth knowledge of the daily operations of city services, including the budget process. I strongly support his candidacy in the August primary. 

In addition to supporting Phil Goode for mayor, I have chosen to support new candidates, Eric Moore, Brandon Montoya to lead the city forward. 

Edward Bowe, Current President, Citizens Tax Committee

John Stevens, Past President, Citizens Tax Committee

Recused-  Chris Kuknyo, Past President, Citizens Tax Committee



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Last modified on Saturday, 17 July 2021 03:19