No precipitation likely this week.
Big Idea
- Sunny and extra warm to start the week
- Slight cooling later in the week
- Continued dry. Breezy at times
- Precipitation is unlikely for at least another week
Forecast Summary:
Mostly sunny and unseasonably warm today and tomorrow, with slight cooling later in the week. Continued dry. Highs decreasing from the mid 90s today and tomorrow to the lower 90s later in the week. Overnight lows will remain in the mid 60s. Breezy at times, especially in the afternoon and evening hours.
Forecast Table:
Navigate on the map to your location and click for a detailed local forecast.
Late last week, we hit record temperatures at the Prescott Airport, with highs breaking the record for these days on Thursday of 101 and Friday of 102. Ugh!
Expect continued warm, breezy at times and dry this week, with slight cooling by Wednesday. The air will remain unusually dry for this time of year due to troughing over the Pacific northwest, which will continue to direct southwesterly wind across the area. Precipitation is unlikely for at least another week.
You may have noticed some smoke in the air over the weekend, which originated over Southern California (the Apple Fire).
Curtis N. James, Ph.D.
Professor of Meteorology
Department of Applied Aviation Sciences
Met Mail is an unofficial weather discussion and forecast transmitted once or twice a week via e-mail by the Embry-Riddle Department of Meteorology ( Embry-Riddle offers an undergraduate bachelor-of-science degree program in Applied Meteorology. Please spread the word to all potential qualified candidates!
Further Information:
ERAU Applied Meteorology degree program
Official National Weather Service forecast
Embry-Riddle Prescott Meteorology Website:
This has a selection of model forecast products and other links.
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