
Prescott Police Department Honors Team Members Featured

Lt. Jon Brambila March 17, 2021 1779

The Prescott Police Department recognized employees for achievements. 


Big Idea

  • Prescott Police Department awarded employee awards to several members of the Department
  • The individuals were recognized for achievement, professionalism and dedication to the Prescott Police Department mission and values
  • Firearms proficiency was also recognized
  • Read more…


The Prescott Police Department took time to recognize outstanding team members



On Thursday  February 11, 2021 and Thursday February 18, 2021 the Prescott Police Department proudly awarded its 2020 employee awards to several members of the Department.  The ceremony held at the Prescott Police Department Multipurpose Room due Covid protocols recognized the following individuals for their achievement, professionalism and dedication to the Prescott Police Department Mission and Values: 



Volunteer of the Year: Citizen on Patrol Volunteer Steve Fernandez


Rookie of the Year: Officer Daniel Thompson


Community Service Award: Officer Matthew Medina and Officer Wyatt Novak





Civilian Employee of the Year Victim Services Advocate Ms Amy Knight .  


Communication Specialist of the Year: Ms. Caleigh Bybee. 


Sworn Police Officer of the Year: Officer Joseph Harris. 


(Photo not available.)


Supervisor of the Year: Sergeant Nathan Barto. 


Police Chief’s Recognition of Excellence: Awarded to Officer Jeremy Sutton, Tommi Dow, Sergeant Casey Cook, Officer Kevin Forrest, Officer Joseph Harris, Officer David Holmes, LPO Tim Johnson, Officer Andrew Lovan, Sergeant Ben Scott, Lt. Jon Brambila, Lt. Jason Small, Lt. Corey Kasun and Deputy Chief Amy Bonney. In recognition for efforts made during large scale event planning during the last year. 


Police Chief’s Recognition of Excellence: Awarded to Lt. Jason Small, Tommi Dow, LPO Tim Johnson and Juan Arvizu. In recognition for their dedicated service to assist in maintaining a healthy and safe working environment during the Covid 19 pandemic


Awards were also presented to Officer Troy Crawford for excellence in firearms proficiency. 



We are very proud of the individual accomplishments for our amazing and dedicated employees.  We are fortunate to have a Department full of dedicated professionals who are here to serve our community.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 22:38
Published in Prescott.news