…about the Maricopa County 2022 General Election
Big Idea
- Maricopa County Election Procedures are under scrutiny
- Due to the hundreds of complaints and statements by Maricopa County officials, an investigation is underway
- Attorney Jennifer Write has sent a letter to the Maricopa County officials
- They have until November 28 to answer and respond
- Read more…
The Maricopa County elections were a mess. Now what?
Stating that the Elections Integrity Unit of the Arizona Attorney General’s Office has received hundreds of complaints since Election Day, Jennifer Wright notes that the complaints go beyond speculation, and include first-hand witness acounts. Wright sends a letter to Maricopa County regarding the issues.
Wright notes that not only have their been complaints, it appears that laws have been broken during the Maricopa County Election Day procedures and afterwards.
Pollworkers even gave out instructions that were contrary to law.
Perhaps the biggest concern is that it appears that some tabulated ballots were mixed in with untabulated ballots.
Attorney Wright ends the letter by stating:
“Arizonans deserve a full reporting and accounting of the myriad problems that occurred in relation to Maricopa County’s administration of the 2022 General Election. As the canvass is looming, and these issues relate to Maricopa County’s ability to lawfully certify election results – the Unit requests a response to the aforementioned issues on or before Maricopa County submits its official canvas to the Secretary of State, which must occur on or before November 28, 2022.
If you have a complaint about election procedures, you can file a complaint at the Arizona Attorney General website: https://www.azag.gov/complaints/election
You can read the full letter below: