
At Issue: The Integrity of the Vote Featured

With the Presidential election still not decided in several states, including Arizona, it becomes imperative that the integrity of the vote be confirmed.

Big Idea

  • Allegations of ballot discrepancies are known
  • A software ‘glitch’ turned votes for Trump into votes for Biden in Michegan
  • Representative Paul Gosar is calling for an audit of all counties using this software
  • AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs believes such calls are irresponsible
  • The Trump campaign is investigating ballot discrepancies

The integrity of this year’s Presidential election is in question. Now what?

Unfortunately, there are allegations of ballot discrepancies that need to be answered. Questions as to the counting procedures, missing ballots, disputed ballots, even ballots sent to and returned by, people who are deceased. 

In Antrim County, Michigan, voting software had a “glitch” that gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden in Michigan.  After the correction, Trump carried Antrim County. Dominion Voting Software is the same software used in several states across the country. “Glitches” also occurred in other counties and states, in some cases even halting voting. 

According to Politico, "The companies 'uploaded something last night, which is not normal, and it caused a glitch,' said Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election. That glitch prevented pollworkers from using the pollbooks to program smart cards that the voters insert into the voting machines.”

This update was unusual, Ridley said. "'That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election,' Ridley said. Ridley said she did not know what the upload contained.”

Gabriel Sterling is the voting system implementation manager in the Georgia Secretary  of State’s office. Politico explains that Sterling, “...told reporters that the issue likely was a dataset that got uploaded to the systems, but that they don’t know for certain."

Ironically, the statement on their website now seems to take on a new meaning.

Here are the states using Dominion Voting products. 



Representative Paul Gosar is calling upon Governor Ducey to have the Arizona Legislature investigate. 

Representative Paul Gosar is also calling for an audit of all counties that use this software. 

Arizona’s Secretary of State fired back, calling Dr. Gosar “irresponsible” and claiming he is undermining trust in our elections. Gosar was happy to respond. Here’s that exchange, 

Later, Hobbs added, 

What can the every day voter do?

If this is something that concerns you, you can reach out to Governor Ducey and your state legislators in the House and Senate  and ask them to do the audit and investigate. 

Next, if you are an early voter, you can make sure your ballot was received and counted. The Arizona Secretary of State’s website offers a page where you can simply put in your information and it will give you the status of your ballot. You do need to have either your voting ID or your Driver’s License number. 

Here are the links for early voters and ballot by mail recipients. If you need to know the status of your provisional ballot, you can check that also. 

Do you suspect ballot chacanery of some sort? The Trump campaign will investigate issues such as: 

  • Cast ballots not being accepted
  • Dead people voting
  • Voters that moved to other states
  • Ballots sent to the wrong address
  • Multiple ballots sent to the correct address
  • Any suspected irregularities or concerns

You can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or go to Defend Your Ballot and fill out the report form. 

They ask that you include any appropriate screen shots or photos you may have. 


Many people expressed concerns about voters being given Sharpies instead of ball point pens. Attorney General Mark Brnovich investigated the problem. 

It was 1991 when then-Speaker of the House Tom Foley (D-Washinton State) considered an investigation into President Reagan, and stated, "Even though there is no evidence, the seriousness of the charge is what matters. The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."

Fast forward nearly 30 years. 

In this election, many Republicans would echo Tom Foley today, and say, "The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."

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Last modified on Saturday, 07 November 2020 10:59
Published in Arizona News
Lynne LaMaster

Lynne LaMaster is the Editor and Publisher of CopperState News. In her past life, she was the founder of a successful local news media publication in the Prescott area. She started CopperState News with the idea that local news deserves a statewide platform.

Besides prowling around for community news - especially good news! - Lynne and her husband Lewis enjoy their eight children and six grandchildren (although more are always welcome!). Lynne is connected non-stop to her camera and loves creating unique gifts with her Cricut!

One of her favorite sayings is, "It's not about me!"


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