Workforce Development Board Request for Proposals One Stop Operator 2023 - 2025
Table of Contents
I. Critical Time Frames
II. Background Information
III. Proposal Instructions
IV. Proposal Evaluation Criteria
V. Proposal Evaluation
VI. Funds Availability
VII. Proposal Narrative
VIII. Supplemental Information and Certification
IX. Letters of Support
X. RFP Appeals
XI. Compliance and Assurances
Workforce Development Board
Request for Proposals
One Stop Operator 2023 - 2025
Section l: Critical Time Frames
A. Issue Date and Pick Up Locations:
February 15, 2023
2:00 PM, AZ Time
ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County
Workforce Development Board
221 N. Marina St. Suite. 201
Prescott, AZ 86301
(928) 778-1422
Department of Economic Security
ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County
1500 East Cherry St. Suite F
Cottonwood, AZ 86326
(928) 649-6868
B. Technical Assistance Session:
Hybrid Session
March 1, 2023, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Click Here to join Zoom and enter Meeting ID 849 9174 1562, Passcode: 322902
Or in-person
ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County
221 N. Marina St. Ste. 201
Prescott, AZ 86301
Questions related to this RFP must be addressed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
C. Sealed Proposal Receipt Deadline
March 22, 2023
4:00 PM AZ Time
D. Sealed Proposal Submission Location:
ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County
221 N. Marina St. Ste. 201
Prescott, AZ 86301
(928) 778-1422
E. Yavapai Workforce Development Board Selection Executive Committee will review and approve selection of Yavapai County One Stop Operator.
F. Announcement of Selected Proposer Upon Yavapai County Board of Supervisors’ Approval, the Selected One Stop Operator Proposer will be announced at the scheduled meeting.
Section II: Background Information
A. Purpose of this Request for Proposals
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is for the ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County Workforce Development Board to identify qualified providers as One Stop Operator under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-128) and 20CFR Sec. 678.
B. Selection Process
Responses to this RFP will be evaluated, ranked, and selected by the ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai Workforce Development Board Executive Committee. The One Stop Operator selected by the ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai Workforce Development Executive Committee will be recommend to the ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County Workforce Development Board and upon approval forwarded to the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors for final approval.
ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai Workforce Development Board Executive Committee reserves the right to make technical corrections or additions for this RFP. Such corrections or additions shall be sent to each registered potential provider.
Notice to Applicants:
Initial RFP award is from contract date to June 30, 2025, with extension as may be granted by the Yavapai WDB Executive Committee. Yavapai County’s RFP allocation for the OSO is $25,000.00. Qualified applicant selected and is awarded an OSO Provider Service Contract is subject to fund availability from the USDOL and Yavapai WDB. Contract cancellation and/or amendments may be required if the USDOL allocations are changed or rescinded.
It is the responsibility of the RFP applicant to read and understand the WIOA, WIOA Rules, 2CFR200, State of Arizona and Yavapai County laws and regulations for purposes of this RFP.
Contract is from contract date to June 30, 2025 period but may be extended at the sole discretion of ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County WDB.
Respondent selected as One Stop Operator will be expected to assume the position when approved by the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors until 2025 and with option for two-year renewal.
C. One Stop Service Area
Areas of service are One Stop Comprehensive System Centers and Satellite Offices in Yavapai County.
D. Role of Yavapai County One Stop Operator
1. The One Stop Operator must coordinate across one-stop partners and service providers,
2. Convene meetings to discuss customer services; and
3. Coordinate work assignments with the One Stop Partners.
E. Eligible Applicants
Any private for-profit business entity, private non-profit corporation or public entity may apply.
Any private for-profit business entity, private non-profit corporation or public entity may apply for available funds. However, entities which have been debarred are restricted from applying in accordance with 29 CFR, Part 98 are not eligible.
It is the responsibility of all applicants to be familiar with and, if awarded a contract, comply with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-128) and applicable regulations, as they currently exist or may be hereafter modified or supplemented. In addition, State of Arizona and Yavapai County Assurances required will be part of the Contract Agreement.
F. ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County Workforce Development Board Vision
“We are the leader innovative partnerships and services that support business solutions.”
G. ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County Workforce Development Board RFP Announcements
ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County WDB Workforce Development Board will issue this RFP on the date indicated above.
Announcements will be made to:
1. General public,
2. Potential bidders, and
3. Interested parties.
RFP Notice will be made available for posting at:
1. Yavapai County WIOA Offices
2. Yavapai County Administration Offices
3. Local media outlets
4. ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County
5. Workforce Arizona Council Website,
6. Arizona Department of Economic Security Website.
Section lll: Proposal Instructions
A. This Request for Proposal Package must be picked up at the ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County Workforce Development Board Office, 221 N. Marina St, Suite 201, Prescott, AZ, 86301 or ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County, 1500 E. Cherry Street, Suite F, Cottonwood, AZ 86326 (928) 649-6868 and proposer must fill out the Proposal Pick-Up Form to ensure any changes or responses to questions for this RFP are provided to all potential applicants.
B. Electronic copy of proposal may be requested from: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Proposer must provide contact information: Name of person requesting copy, Name of Organization, Telephone Number, and Email address.
C. Complete the Cover Page Form as cover for proposal. (Attachment 1)
D. The proposal narrative may not exceed six (6) pages, typed in twelve (12)-point font and with one-inch margins.
E. Proposal narrative: must respond to the areas detailed in Section Vll below.
1. Program Overview/Executive Summary,
2. Program Goals/Performance,
3. Program Activities/Methodology,
4. Agency Capacity and Financial Stability,
5. Agency Expertise,
6. Collaboration and Leverage Resources, and
7. Letters of Support.
F. Provide the required items described in Section Vlll as separate Attachments.
G. The Attachments do not count against the narrative six (6)-page limit.
H. Submit one original and six (6) copies of the entire proposal and appendix. Each copy should be three-hole punched on the left side and submitted in a three-ring binder or clipped together. Please do not bind your proposal copies.
I. Proposers are cautioned and advised that proposals must be complete and must respond to this RFP.
J. Deadlines will be fully enforced and failure to comply with any requirements of this RFP may result in disqualification.
K. All questions regarding this RFP must be addressed in writing to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
L. All responses to questions posed will be provided in writing to all parties registered when RFP was picked up.
Section lV: Proposal Evaluation Criteria
A. Program Overview/Executive Summary 5 Points
Provide a brief description of the proposed WIOA One Stop Operator services you will be able to provide. What particular experience makes you a qualified candidate? What approach or approaches would you practice as One Stop Operator? What other strengths do you have to serve as a One Stop Operator? Someone not familiar with the WIOA should be able to read this and have a good understanding of the overall approach.
Note: As mandated in WIOA the One Stop Operator may not assume the duties and responsibilities of the Yavapai County WDB or elected officials.
B. Program Goals/Performance 5 Points
Provide a description of the Yavapai County One Stop Comprehensive System Partners and the role they play in meeting the WIOA stated purpose and ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County Workforce Development Board Mission. Describe your proposed services as One Stop Operator. What outcomes will be accomplished in terms of coordination to better serve employers and job seekers? If possible, your response should provide proposed quantitative (numeric) performance goals that address increased customer service and increased coordination. Describe expected qualitative outcomes and the proposed tools for measuring them, such as customer satisfaction surveys and progress reports.
C. Program Activities/Methodology 5 Points
Outline your plan of action to achieve the goals stated in Section above. Describe the process for assessing One Stop Comprehensive System coordinated services. Outline a strategy for how you will coordinate One Stop Comprehensive System services which will be provided throughout Yavapai County (off reservation).
D. Agency Capacity 25 Points
Describe your agency’s experience coordinating and/or providing services in a One Stop Comprehensive System and collaborating with disadvantaged, special populations, and education, training, and/or employment programs.
Cite recent, specific examples of participation in the in Yavapai County One Stop System environments where you coordinated and/or delivered services. Provide job title or description of One Stop System Operator in charge and other staff available during Yavapai One Stop Comprehensive Center hours of operation.
What is the organization’s capacity to perform necessary program and Management Information Systems functions and, if necessary, cover costs of rent, phone, utilities, and other administrative costs?
Proposers must acknowledge if they have:
1. Filed for Bankruptcy, when and current status, and
2. If there are any outstanding or current Audit Findings.
E. Agency Expertise 25 Points
Describe any experience in the One Stop Operations during the past 5 years. Explain how the proposed program will be managed. Describe staffing and staff roles, including staff for One Comprehensive System Stop participation. List key staff, and their relevant experience, who will participate in the successful One Stop Operator functions.
Provide an organizational chart for the program in your Attachments. You may also include resumes for key staff in your Attachments or, if a key staff person has not yet been hired, a job description showing the expected qualifications for the position.
The One Stop Operator proposer must possess AJC/Data Security Clearance. Since One Stop Operator and/or staff will be working with and around youth, Proposer staff must have current background and fingerprints approved by the State of Arizona.
F. Collaboration, and Leveraged Resources 25 Points
Please list the Core Partners and the services they will provide under this RFP. Describe how the Yavapai County One Stop Operator functions will ensure collaboration and coordination of the WIOA Core Partner Programs to deliver employer and job seeker services efficiently, the WIOA stated purpose and ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County Workforce Development Board Mission.
Collaboration includes such things as leveraging resources, client referrals, sharing of information, coordination of activities, curricula, schedules, or use of resources, joint planning, shared costs or resources, and shared responsibility for service delivery.
Please list the additional Partners and their resources that will collaborate with you, briefly describe the nature of the collaboration, state how it will benefit employers, job seekers, and increase the cost-effectiveness of WIOA funds.
G. Letters of Support 10 Points
Please provide letters of supporting for your agency’s Proposal as One Stop Operator. Letters should be from the Core Partners and others working in the One Stop System.
Section V Proposal Evaluation
The ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County WDB Executive Committee will evaluate each Proposal. At their discretion, Applicants may be invited to make presentations to the Executive Committee. Each proposal will be scored independently by each rater on the point scale. Committee members are encouraged to make comments when rating each proposal.
Yavapai OSO RFP selection shall be made by the ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai WDB Executive Committee and shall be based primarily on the total score from individual ranking-sheets. Recommendations will be forwarded to the ARIZONA@WORK WDB and then to the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors for final selection.
Best and Final Offers and/or Negotiations may be conducted, as needed, with the highest rated eligible Applicant(s).
The WDB reserves the right to reject the bid/proposal response of any persons or corporations who have previously defaulted on any contract with Yavapai County or who have engaged in conduct that constitutes a cause for debarment and/or suspension.
Section Vl. Funds Available
Total funding available for this RFP is $25,000.00, subject to availability from WIOA Core Partners’ contributions.
The One Stop Operator Contract will be on a Cost Reimbursement Contract.
Section Vll. Proposal Narrative Proposal narrative: must respond to the areas detailed below.
1. Program Overview/Executive Summary,
2. Program Goals/Performance,
3. Program Activities/Methodology,
4. Agency Capacity and Financial Stability,
5. Agency Expertise,
6. Collaboration and Leverage Resources, and
7. Letters of Support.
Entities which have been debarred are restricted from applying in accordance with 29 CFR, Part 98 (July 1, 2014).
Section Vlll. Supplemental Information and Certifications
A. The following items must be provided as Attachments to this RFP,
1. Applicant Articles of Incorporation, if applicable,
2. Agency Mission Statement,
3. List of Board of Directors, if applicable,
4. Certification of Intent to Participate in the One-Stop System,
5. Certification of Good Standing from the AZ Corporation Commission,
6. Current US Government System for Award Management (SAM)
7. Debarment and Suspension,
8. Lobbying,
9. Drug Free Workplace,
10. Certificate of Insurance,
11. Most Recent Audit,
12. Documentation that fingerprinting and background check have been performed for staff working with youth aged 18 years or less,
13. Equal Employment Opportunity, and 14. Americans with Disabilities Act.
Section lX Proposal Process and Selection Award
A. The ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County Workforce Development Board Executive Committee will ensure selection of the One Stop Operator complies with all applicable federal and state WIOA One Stop Operator competitive selection process requirements.
B. The ARIZONA@WORK Workforce Development Board Executive Committee reserves the right to reject the bid/proposal response of any persons or corporations who have previously defaulted on any contract with Yavapai County or who have engaged in conduct that constitutes a cause for debarment and/or suspension.
C. The ARIZONA@WORK Workforce Development Board Executive Committee shall make the selection of the One Stop Operator and shall be based primarily on the total RFP Proposals Scores.
D. The ARIZONA@WORK Workforce Development Board Executive Committee may require the proposer selected to participate in negotiations, and to submit technical, or other revisions of their proposals as may result from negotiations.
E. The ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County Workforce Development Board will review and approve the One Stop Operator selection and forward it to the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors for final selection.
F. ARIZONA@WORK Workforce Development Board Executive Committee shall hold all proposals submitted in confidence pending completion of awards and negotiations.
G. Selection of One Stop Operators is subject to fund availability.
H. The ARIZONA@WORK Yavapai County Workforce Investment Executive Committee reserves the right to:
1. Automatically renew selection for a two-year additional period, without issuing an RFP;
2. Issue subsequent modifications to One Stop Operator Agreement subject to US Federal Regulations;
3. Accept or reject any or all of the proposals received and to cancel in part or in its entirety this request if it is in the best interest of the County to do so;
4. Negotiate necessary adjustments in proposed service activities; and
5. Direct One Stop Operator to implement changes in accordance with federal and/or state directives made to comply with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and applicable regulations.
Section Xl Compliance and Assurances
A. Selected One Stop Operator shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, standards and Executive Orders as required by DOL and DES.
B. Any such applicable legal authority, including but not limited to the provisions of WIOA and regulations adopted thereunder, shall be incorporated into the 11 agreement by reference and, to the extent inconsistent with any provision of this RFP or the selection, shall supersede and be substituted for the inconsistent provision.
C. The Yavapai County One Stop Operator shall provide a copy of the current US Government System for Award Management (SAM).
D. The Yavapai County One Stop Operator shall collaborate with the Yavapai County One Stop Core Partners to ensure that employer and participant records are confidentially maintained and kept, as required by federal and state agencies.
E. One Stop Operator shall obtain and maintain at its own expense, during the entire term of this Award the following type(s) and amounts of insurance:
1. Commercial General Liability - $2,000,000 Each Occurrence and $2,000,000 General Aggregate. Policy shall include bodily injury, property damage and broad form contractual liability coverage and products-completed operations.
2. Comprehensive Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 Combined single limit, $1,000,000 bodily injury and $1,000,000 property damage
3. Statutory Workers' Compensation including Employers Liability - $250,000
F. Insurance must be from carriers acceptable to the Yavapai County Workforce Development Board Executive Committee. One Stop Operator shall provide County Workforce Development Board Executive Committee with certificates of insurance. Commercial General Liability shall name Yavapai County and Yavapai County Workforce Development Board as an "Additional Insured".
G. All certificates must provide for a 30-day advance notice of any modification, material change, non-renewal or cancellation. In addition, evidence of statutory workers' compensation must be provided.
Attachment 1 - Proposal Cover Page
PY 2022-2022 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
One Stop Operator Proposal
Type or Print information requested below:
Business Information
Legal name of the entity submitting this proposal:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Contact Person Information
Name and Title of Contact Person:
Fax Number
Email Address
To the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the information in this proposal is true and correct. The governing body of the proposer and the proposer have authorized the document will comply with the attached assurances if funding is awarded.
Name of President or Chief Executive Officer: _____________________________________ Title: __________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Date: __________
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