
Yavapai County Swears in Newly Elected Officials Featured

David McAtee, Yavapai County PIO December 17, 2020 1742

Yavapai County Board of Supervisors Sworn In 

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  • The five Board of Supervisor members were sworn in by Judge John Napper
  • Also sworn in were the Yavapai County Attorney, County Recorder, County Assessor, County Treasurer and the Bagdad/Yarnell Constable
  • The new terms start on November 1
  • Read more…

Elected County Officials will take office as of January 1

On Tuesday December 15, 2020, at a special meeting held in the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors room at 1015 Fair St. and streamed live online at Yavapai.us, all five Board members were sworn in by the Honorable Judge, John Napper.  Chairman Craig Brown, Vice-Chairman Mary Mallory, Supervisor Harry Oberg, Supervisor James Gregory and Supervisor Donna Michaels were sworn-in for their term that begins January 1, 2021.  

L-R: Back Row: Supervisor James Gregory, Supervisor  Harry Oberg, Supervisor Craig Brown, Judge John Napper
Front Row: Donna Michaels, Mary Mallory

After the five Board of Supervisors were sworn in, a second meeting was held and Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk, Bagdad/Yarnell Constable Mike Harris, County Recorder Leslie Hoffman, County Assessor Judd Simmons and County Treasurer Chip Davis were sworn in by Judge John Napper. 

L-R: Bagdad/Yarnell Constable Mike Harris, County Assessor Judd Simmons, County Recorder Leslie Hoffman,
County Attorney Sheila Polk, County Treasurer Chip Davis, Judge John Napper in front.

Yavapai County Board of Supervisors Chairman Craig Brown said, “It is an honor to serve Yavapai County as the Chairman of the Board for one more year and I look forward to working with all of the Board of Supervisors over the next few years.  If everyone will continue to wear a mask, physically distance, wash their hands, and get vaccinated as soon as it is available, I am sure we will get through these trying times and continue to see great things accomplished in 2021.” 


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Last modified on Thursday, 17 December 2020 08:29
Published in Prescott.news