
Accepting PV Youth Police Academy Applications Featured

Jodi Mullins, PV Police Department May 10, 2022 678

Consider joining in the Youth Police Academy!

Big Idea

  • The PV PD will accept applications for the 2022 Youth Academy starting on May 16th
  • Get your application in the Police lobby, or online 
  • This free program dates are July 11th - July 15th
  • Academy size is limited to 15 students, ages 14-18 years old


The Prescott Valley Police Department will begin accepting applications for the 2022 Youth Police Academy, “Believe in Something Better,” on Monday, May 16th at 8:00 AM. Applications are available in the police station lobby as well as online at www.prescottvalley-az.gov under the “police” section. Click on “Programs” and then scroll down to the bottom left. Please return completed applications to the station by mail or in person. 

The program will be held from Monday, July 11th to Friday, July 15th from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM at Prescott Valley Police Department. This program is offered free of charge. Lunch and snacks are provided all five days. Academy size is limited to 15 students aged 14 to 18 years of age and who are attending school within the town limits of Prescott Valley. Due to the nature of this program, all applications are subject to a background screening process. Applicants with a criminal record or disciplinary history will not be allowed to attend. 

This program is just one component of a community policing effort to bridge the gap between our teen community and law enforcement. Our teens will have one-of-a-kind experiences they will only get in our program. It is hands-on and designed to equip and challenge our teens to be leaders in their schools and in our community. We recognize that the youth are our future and want them to “believe in something better” as they become adults.


Prescott Valley Police Department can be contacted at (928) 772-9267 for non-emergencies, 911 for emergencies. You may also contact Yavapai Silent Witness at 1-800-932-3232.


Facebook: www.facebook.com/PrescottValleyPD or @prescottvalleypd 

Twitter: www.twitter.com/PolicePV or @policepv

Instagram: www.instagram.com/prescottvalleypolice or @prescottvalleypolice

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Last modified on Tuesday, 10 May 2022 04:05