
New Patches for PV Police Featured

Heidi Dahms Foster September 06, 2022 579

The new patches reflect the new PV logo

Big Idea

  • Prescott Valley has a new logo
  • The new patches have the outline of Arizona, the PV logo and the Town Incorporation Date
  • Watch for more uniform changes in the future


Check out the new PV Police Patch!


Prescott Valley Police to have new patches on uniforms Prescott Valley Police Officers will soon have new patches on their uniforms as the Town continues to transition to its new logo in all departments. The new patches feature the State of Arizona outline, the new logo, and Prescott Valley’s incorporation date of 1978 in silver.

PVPD Commander Jeremy Martin said more uniform changes will be coming the next several months, but the public will see officers in two styles of uniforms until the changes are complete.

Additionally, as the Town changes to the new logo design, the public will begin to see vehicles, signs, news releases and other correspondence with the new logo.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 07 September 2022 01:40