
Teacher of the Year Banquet Returns to Prescott Valley Featured

Guy Roginson, Humboldt Education Foundation April 02, 2021 1177

Humboldt Education Foundation 2021 Teacher of the Year Banquet Returns

Big Idea

  • Prescott Valley’s Humboldt Education Foundation is bringing back the Teacher of the Year banquet
  • It will be held at the Findlay Toyota Center
  • Spacing and health protocols will be in place
  • Tickets are available online

The Teacher of the Year Banquet will take place on May 4th

Prescott Valley’s Humboldt Education Foundation (HEF) is happy to announce their Teacher of the Year banquet will take place this year on May 4th, 5:30 PM at the Findlay Toyota Center with enough spacing and health protocols for everyone’s safety.

For the past 5 years HEF has hosted the annual Teacher of the Year banquet to honor Humboldt Unified School District (HUSD) teachers. Each school asks students to nominate a current or past teacher that has made a difference in their lives by submitting an essay. Each spring a banquet is held in their honor where the teacher, student, school staff and the community attend to honor these shining examples from HUSD. During the banquet each student is called up to read the essay to their teacher (sometimes they are hearing it for the first time) and the teacher shares their reaction and why it is that they chose to become a teacher. It is a wonderful event filled with celebration, recognition and applause honoring all of the nominees. After all of the essays are read, the HEF Board announces the K-6 category winner and the 7-12 category winner. It is truly an event to celebrate all teachers and show the impact they have on their students and our community.

HEF Nominees from each school and the student who nominated them:

K-6 Nominees

Coyote Springs Elementary - Jessica Kissinger nominated nominated by Jacob McGill

Granville Elementary - Ashley Gordon nominated by Baylee Burnham

Humboldt Elementary - Jamy Myrmel nominated by Madeleine Moore

Lake Valley Elementary - Monique Apalategui nominated by Raegan Marie Lavers

Liberty Traditional - Beth Ann Bogdovitz nominated by Mariana Santoyo Garcia

Mountain View Elementary - Lynette Buskirk nominated by Clare McElwee

7-12 Nominees

Bradshaw Mountain Middle - Sarah Herschelman nominated by Sophia Egner

Glassford Hill Middle - Jasmine Navarro nominated by Charley James

Liberty Traditional - Jason Redmon nominated by Avery Wells

Bradshaw Mountain High School - Kristoffer Damko nominated by Marcos Guerra

Bradshaw Mountain High School - Lawrence Haese nominated by Bella Marquez

2020-2021 Teacher of the Year Banquet

Tuesday, May 4th

Findlay Toyota Center

Doors open at 5:30 PM, Program begins at 6 pm

Dinner and dessert provided.


HEF encourages anyone from the community to attend and help recognize these amazing educators. This year HEF has made it easier than ever to buy tickets to the event by adding an online ticket purchasing option on their website. To purchase tickets for the Teacher of the Year event please visit the Humboldt Education Foundation page for online purchasing. This new feature allows anyone who wishes to attend to purchase tickets online, an email receipt will be sent immediately after processing.

Direct link: https://humboldteducationfoundation.org/blog/event/annual-husd-teacher-of-the-year-banquet-2021/


Did you know that HUSD comprises over 5,500 students and 10 schools. HUSD is the largest school district in Yavapai County! A GREAT opportunity for your business to support the fabric of our community while getting in front of thousands of parents, teachers and students!

The Humboldt Education Foundation is looking forward to providing another night of celebration for our educators. In order for this event to take place each year HEF seeks sponsorship for the Teacher of the Year banquet. For the past 4 years HEF has received amazing support from community sponsors and we are looking for their continued support again this year. Sponsorship is what makes the banquet possible and allows for teacher mini-grants to be funded throughout the school year and student scholarships to be awarded in May. If you are a business interested in sponsoring this event please visit the HEF website at https://humboldteducationfoundation.org/sponsorship-options/ for details.


The Humboldt Education Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that helps support the students and teachers of the Humboldt Unified School District (HUSD).

Sponsorships: 928-257-4177 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Last modified on Friday, 02 April 2021 10:53