
5th Anniversary of the Paulden Public Library Featured

Matt Santos October 07, 2021 737
5th Anniversary of the Paulden Public Library Matt Santos



Big Idea

  • The community of Paulden celebrates the 5th Anniversary of their Public Library
  • It is also the grand opening of the Friends of the Paulden Public Library’s Book Barn
  • Usage of the library in the Paulden community has grown every year since its opening


Paulden celebrates an Anniversary and a Grand Opening

More than a dozen Paulden residents gathered at the Paulden Library on Tuesday, October 5 to celebrate both the 5th anniversary of the opening of the Library as well as the grand opening of the Friends of the Paulden Public Library’s Book Barn.

In the library, Friends’ Vice President Gary Hanby, gave a brief history of the community efforts that led two the County acquiring land and facilities to move to Paulden and convert into a state of the art library. As librarian Carol Hanby noted, usage by the Paulden community has grown every year since its opening.

The group then went to the lot next door where Yavapai Board of Supervisors Chairman, Craig Brown, and Nina Seim, from United Way of Yavapai County, cut the ribbon to the Book Barn.

Attendees then entered to see the donated books which are processed, stored, and then sold to raise funds to support the Library’s programs and facilities.

In Hanby’s comments, he listed the number of people who had assisted in making the Book Barn possible. Notable among them were the Levy Foundation, United Way whose grants proved the majority of funds for the project, Ace Hardware, American Fence, and Empire Surveying.

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Last modified on Friday, 08 October 2021 00:19
Published in Chinovalleyaz.news