
Traffic Speed Reinforcement Results Featured

Lt. Corey Kasun October 28, 2021 688

 Prescott Police are looking for speeders. Will they find you?


Big Idea

  • During the week of October 17th Prescott PD conducted extra traffic enforcement on SR 69
  • They looked for speeding, dangerous & reckless behaviors and other egregious violations
  • The goal is to increase traffic safety
  • They stopped over 50 vehicles and issued over 70 violations


Focused Speed Enforcement on Highway 69


During the week of October 17th, 2021, the Traffic Safety Section of the Prescott Police Department conducted extra traffic enforcement on State Route 69. Officers concentrated their efforts on this roadway looking for dangerous and reckless driving behaviors, to include speeding violations and other egregious violations.  Officers stopped a total of 55 vehicles which resulted in 71 traffic violations.  

The Prescott Police Department will continue to conduct traffic enforcement details throughout the city in an attempt to reduce serious traffic collisions.

We would like to remind motorists that highway safety is the responsibility of every driver.  If you observe erratic driving behavior, contact law enforcement immediately.

Please contact dispatch at (928) 445-3131 for non-emergencies and 911 in case of an emergency.


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Last modified on Thursday, 28 October 2021 08:32