Icy and cold, that about sums it up!
Here’s the latest from the City of Prescott this morning:
"At this hour there are no significant snow accumulations throughout the City streets, however the streets are very icy. Street Maintenance crews are treating main arterials and major collectors with cinders and will work their way into the minor collectors and residential as conditions on the mains improve.
"Please use extreme caution while driving, leaving extra time to get to work or school as well as plenty of breaking distance when approaching intersections and following other motorists.
"Street Maintenance crews will continue to apply material and plow those areas that have seen plowable accumulations throughout the day and into the evening hours.
"As always, we thank you for your patience and cooperation during winter storm events, and please drive safely.”
From the National Weather Service:
Please be careful, especially if heading further north. There were several accidents on I-40 this morning due to the ice on the road. We loved this 7 AM video from ADOT.