
Mayor's Update, 2/14/22 Featured

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Mayor Update, February 14, 2022
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Hello, I’m Mayor Phil Goode with your weekly update.

During our Study Session last week, we heard about the Center of the Future. According to Dr. Jon Haas, head of the Cyber Intelligence unit at Embry-Riddle, the mission is to attract technology companies, because innovation centers have been shown to be economic drivers. 

I have supported this concept since it’s conception. It is a terrific opportunity to really grow this segment of high tech, low impact substantial revenue for the City.  The surrounding parts of the airport are beginning to attract brick and mortar development and high technology such as CP Technologies. We just announced that big FedEX distribution facility, and we have several other high tech businesses that are very interested in locating around that area. Being able to connect these businesses with highly skilled cyber Internet security professionals, whether they’re brand new out of Embry Riddle or they have some experience, is exactly where we were hoping to go. It is valuable to our entire community continue to support the development of this program in the City.

You can watch Dr. Haas’ presentation it at the link below. 


Over 1400 bills have been introduced this year in the legislature. The City of Prescott has a lobbyist, Barry Aarons, who represents our interests at the Capitol. Tyler Goodman, the Assistant City Manager, works closely with Barry, especially when the legislature is in session.

During our Council meeting last Tuesday, Tyler briefed us on several pieces of legislation being considered at the state Capitol. 

One of the bills we are most concerned about is HB 2674.

In the media, you may see it being described as a way to standardize building codes. 

In the legislature, HB 2674 is being called a “by right” housing bill. It would override many of the zoning ordinances we have in the City, allowing eight single-family structures per acre and 12 two-family structures per acre.

According to Tyler, as HB 2674 is currently written, Multifamily developers would be allowed “by right” to build on all agricultural and single family lots. The multi-family developers could IGNORE zoning codes, design standards and adopted building codes. These projects could be approved administratively, without a public process. Nearby residents would have zero notice with no opportunity to learn about the project or offer comments. Rezoning and general plan amendments will not be required. 

This bill would strip councils of their zoning authority, even for Charter cities. 

It is a bi-partisan bill, introduced by Republican Steve Kaiser (LD-15) and Cesar Chavez (LD-29), a Democrat.

I have already had conversations with our representatives at the legislature and have expressed my extreme concerns about the horrible impact it would have on our community. It is just another example of legislative overreach to the extreme.

I rarely take up this much time discussing a particular item during the updates, but this bill is so potentially devastating to the way of life in Prescott that I wanted to bring it to your attention. 

If you would like to see the original text of the bill, we have provided a link below.

Other legislative items that are important to Prescott were also updated. 

We discussed our contract with the County for Election Services. This is a contract we have had for many years now. The City Clerk provided some clarification for the Council, which was helpful.

The Council provided the staff direction regarding some of the projects we would like to prioritize and staff will be bringing several proposals to the Council in the near future. Primarily, we will be looking at specific information for purchasing a new ladder truck for the Fire Department, and a Public Safety vehicle for the Police Department, plus some recreation improvements. We will also look at building some outdoor facilities at the Adult Center. Each of these items will need to be approved individually before the actual expenditures.


Recently, I did a tour of Sharlot Hall and sat down with Executive Director Dr. Lisa Hayes for the Prescott Today feature. If you would like to watch that, please check the link below!


 Thank you so much for watching! I am Mayor Phil Goode, and I will see you next week.



CENTER FOR THE FUTURE presentation: https://www.facebook.com/cityofprescottaz/videos/288844676572945

PRESCOTT CITY COUNCIL VOTING MEETING (Legislative update starts at 28:11): https://www.facebook.com/cityofprescottaz/videos/3016330768628423

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Last modified on Monday, 14 February 2022 09:57
Published in Arizona News
Lynne LaMaster

Lynne LaMaster is the Editor and Publisher of CopperState News. In her past life, she was the founder of a successful local news media publication in the Prescott area. She started CopperState News with the idea that local news deserves a statewide platform.

Besides prowling around for community news - especially good news! - Lynne and her husband Lewis enjoy their eight children and six grandchildren (although more are always welcome!). Lynne is connected non-stop to her camera and loves creating unique gifts with her Cricut!

One of her favorite sayings is, "It's not about me!"


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